Saturday, April 20, 2013

Today is a sad day for all Bostonians.  It feels like 9/11 all over again with all the conspiracy theorists blaming local and federal authorities for this terror attack !  Actually saying the bombs where platted by Navy Seals with back packs, so they can take more civil Liberties away.  Here they come to prey on the weak, just so they can write a book, or get ratings for a so-called talk and radio show.

I would love to be invited to a debate with one of these scumbags.  As I will do my research, and all they have is, imagination and fabrications, with 0 evidence !

Saturday, March 9, 2013

I now share the growing frustration with this current administration . This president promised change and most Obama supporters are now finding out they got exactly that. You now have change's to your individual right's and freedom's.  During the elections, some of the most die-hard Obama supporter posted all kinds of propaganda on their Facebook profiles taunting anyone that had other opinions.

As of today, these people are very quiet. They even went as far as to block or unfriend me. I'm not sure whether its me they don't like, or just the pure embarrassment of electing such a bold face liar.